Amazing-Stoke Comic Con

Photo by Planet Pellegrino

Fasten your seatbelts hunters… This new comic con was born in Basingstoke… Became AMAZINGSTOKE thanks to Jeffrey Dean Morgan. It looked promising and it was in the end one of my favorite cons so far (I’m feeling the con blues).

I’m writing the usual Monday post while waiting for the flight, thinking about all the new memories I made this weekend, the reunion with friends and Mark Pellegrino, and a bunch of SPN actors that were there – Ruth Connel, Rob Benedict, Jake Abel, Kim Rhodes and JDM (Who I met for the first time).

I’ll launch the official post next Monday, so I’ll write general feedback about my experience. 

I attended as a press pass holder, and it was my first time. I only COVERED for Supernatural although I love Good Omens (David Tenant) was a guest and a few actors from Sandman (Tom Sturridge, Ferdinand Kingsley, Vivienne Acheampong, and Lloyd Everitt) I had a conflicting schedule with my activities with the SPN family so I couldn’t meet or attend panels from those shows.

People working at this CC were entirely kind, helpful, and amazing! They squared a perfect 10 at this part! Incredible team and environment.

My highlight was undoubtedly all of the moments I had with Mark and my friends because we know each other. 

I had the pleasure of working with Mark, we scheduled an interview and a quick photo shoot at the Impala.

I have got lots of photos and a video to share with y’all! And I’m beyond excited. 

The schedule was chaotic but in a way, I’m happy I didn’t stop for a second. 

The panels at this con were my favorites so far – due to the fact they put guests that never had a panel before together. And by the way…Jake only met JDM this weekend and he played his dad… Now imagine how crazy the industry is. In a way, I like to think this con did a lot of magic encounters that should have happened before.

I met more people, which is a thing that always happens at these events! 

Louden Swain also gave two concerts – I attended the one on Saturday and turned out to be my favorite until now. Rob has beautiful electric energy on stage. And another highlight was seeing and meeting the singer Paul Carella before the concert and then he joined the band at the last song.

I stayed at the Village Hotel with my group of friends and enjoyed the jacuzzi two times. There was time to relax at this con!

To close this post I just wanna add:

Amazingstoke needs to happen next year!

See you next Monday for the full report!

My heart and soul are fulfilled. 


Basingstoke Comic Con


Packing for a Convention